Vaidyamrutham ayurveda


Vaidyamrutham ayurveda – An initiative to provide, the best solution in health care and treatments using traditional, authentic and scientific Ayurveda. Ayurveda as a science is not limited us to the management of diseases, but which is insisting a peculiar scientific life style that should be adopted for a healthy life. To attain this, one should get not only the physical health but also the mental, spiritual and intellectual health. At Vaidyamrutham, we believe that a peaceful mind is an important component for better response to the physical treatment. Here we integrate the best of Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathy and Physiotherapy with Ayurveda so that the treatment expands itself to the physical mental, spiritual and intellectual levels too.



Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurveda Treatment for back and neck pain

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurvedic medicines

During Ayurvedic treatment, the primary focus is to eliminate the toxins through the various orifices of the body. The elimination process is given a lot of importance in Kerala Ayurveda. Once that is done, generally an improvement in symptoms is felt. In the second stage medicines are prescribed to help in building up the immunity power of the body. Finally Ayurveda insists on a wholesome lifestyle which will prevent a recurrence of the disease.
Special Treatments
* Panchakarma
* Nasyam
* Back and Neck
* Bone and Joint

Anoop K Sasikumar

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Kommeri, Kozhikode

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